
"Real beauty is never created by you, but through you. Existence flows; You become a channel;

You let it be. You dont hinder, that's all." - Osho



Ink is actually intended for paper but through experimenting I discovered it for the primed canvas and have been using it ever since. In 2010 I started adding acrylics and lacquer but very rarely do so now. I find acrylics to be quite dull and lifeless which is of great contrast to the highly vibrant ink.
I solely work with the ink of Rohrer & Klingner and Nan-King of Lefranc & Bourgeois.

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Rinderschädel, Postkarten-Set, Kunst, Bull Skull, Wacken, Boho, Schneckenpost, Kartensammler, Geschenke, Hamburger Künstler, art shop, art cards, postcard, longhorn, Suzan Leisering
Postkarten-Set "Urbulle" €12,90